Search Redesign
Most any entrepreneurial person has searched for a trademark on the website. Their search feature is straight forward, if somewhat innefficient and inflexible. It’s as old-school as it gets.
Most any entrepreneurial person has searched for a trademark on the website. Their search feature is straight forward, if somewhat innefficient and inflexible. It’s as old-school as it gets.
And so…I just moved back to Los Angeles from beautiful, friendly and surprisingly sunny Portland, Oregon. The Beaver state, go Ducks, Multnomah Falls, Ava Genes, Poler Outdoor Stuff, real public transportation, facial hair, beer and cocktail culture.
A friend recently sent me an email with screenshots describing’s workflows for sending a message to a doctor. He was telling me how painful the process is. Of course in my head I thought “it’s 2014…how bad can it be.” After reviewing his screenshots, I wasn’t entirely sure it could get much worse.